How Wepad Is Moving Forward during Crypto Winter Times

3 min readMar 17, 2023

Being adaptable and having flexibility are two characteristics that are essential in all aspects of running a successful business. But is it feasible to adjust to a market as unpredictable as cryptocurrency? Every day is filled with brand-new technical breakthroughs, new regulatory challenges, and fresh investment inflows and outflows from individual and institutional investors.

Yet, given the difficulty in anticipating sustained market collapses, particular projects don’t proceed to build their development strategies, focusing instead on their users, keeping them interested with the help of competitions, giveaways, and grants, announcing new successful collaborations, and building a long-term strategy. WePad is not an exception!

Eventually, we’ll demonstrate how our skilled team takes inspiration and continues to thrive. Keep reading for more ideas you might have yet to think of!

  1. We kicked off when the crypto winter was in full swing. Compared to many other projects, we did not put our projects on hold but turned on build mode. It is of significant value for us to stay up-to-date and branch out constantly. By considering market fluctuations and pressure, we keep building sustainable development goals and business models that result in adapting to changes and maintaining revenue streams.
  2. WePad has signed a deal flow partnership agreement with DaoMaker. The partnership comprises cooperating in several ways, emphasizing fundamental areas, including sharing technological know-how, conducting joint market research, working together on business consulting, and extending the coordinated partner network.
  3. Amid turbulent crypto-times, we hosted 3 IDOs, namely CryptoGPT, Medieval Empires, and Galaxy Arena, and our team does not stop on its laurels!
  4. Conducted an in-depth market analysis, researched current market trends, concluded that the crypto industry needs something big, and launched a possibility to provide a Private Sale on the WePad platform. Two have already been carried out successfully, resulting in excellent user revenue flows.
  5. Owing to our efforts and high activity, we reached the top of the rating in terms of Current ROI around the middle of February and joined the list of the top 35 launchpads.
  6. Innovations take precedence for us! As a result of our creative nature, we are not restricted to dealing exclusively with sales. In February, we introduced partner staking with MarsDAO, which was quite successful and sold out in hours.
  7. For now, we are focusing on developing commercial and technological solutions that will appeal to our audience and the market.

As you can see, there must be more than the crypto winter to relinquish the blockchain-powered development model or cease participating in cryptocurrency-related activities. Instead, now is the moment to reevaluate the market patterns of cryptocurrency projects and their true worth. The excitement brought on by the bull run gives way to a more realistic assessment of what ventures may thrive by providing consumers with actual value.

AI, GPT-connected technologies, and projects that connect the real world with crypto are at the forefront of innovative trends in a market that has matured and is valuable to millions of players worldwide. That’s why now is the time to start your crypto-spring preparations with forward-looking, cutting-edge projects that will appeal to users and the market. You only need to team up with a trustworthy blockchain organization, create your product when the price of blockchain assets is at an all-time low, and drive the market with your creative ideas.




WeWay is an ecosystem aimed at building a community of developers, traders, IDO participants, and investors focused on expanding blockchain technologies.